Travancore is a three dimensional complex of multiple uses on a site which was left over from the intercessions of infrastructure: tramways, roads and toll roads. That land has been transformed into a place in which people live, work and recreate, and which interleaves and connects with its surrounds, creating further opportunities for exploring this locale.
From a moribund industrial site has risen this place that enlivens and makes safer its locale. Travancore has capitalized on the opportunity to create a denser mixed-use environment on the edge of the city and, in doing so, has created a village of intermeshed buildings fitting comfortably into their context. Lower townhouses face the nearby residential neighbourhood over a small park; medium rise apartment with ground floor retail create an excellent urban scale to Mount Alexander Road; the freeway face of the complex compliments the sculpturally idiosyncratic Melbourne Gateway, and the tower element expresses the gateway location while being located well away from existing buildings.
Travancore has not only converted this underused site into a palpable presence, it has done so in a manner that has understood, and then in turn enriched, what its neighbourhood was, is, and could be.